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Patient Responsibilities

Claiborne County Medical Center
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Patient Responsibilities

Patient Responsibilities

Doctors and the Claiborne County Medical Center staff care for the sick and injured. They recognize that to be effective, the effort must be a partnership with the patient and the health care team working together for the common goal. As a patient, you will be expected, within the limits of your abilities, to assume a share of the responsibility for your health care.

  1. You have the responsibility to the best of your ability, to bring with you information about past illnesses, advance directives, including individual instructions, past hospitalizations, medications, designations of a surrogate and/or primary physicians, and other matters relating to your health.

  2. You have the responsibility to participate in decisions regarding care, openly expressing any concerns or questions.

  3. You have the responsibility to cooperate with all Claiborne County Medical Center personnel caring for you and to ask questions if you do not understand any directions given you.

  4. You have the responsibility for your own actions if you refuse treatment or do not follow the physician's instructions.

  5. You have the responsibility to be prompt in payment of your hospital bills, to provide the information necessary for insurance processing and to be prompt about asking questions you have concerning your bill.

  6. You have the responsibility to abide by Claiborne County Medical Center rules and regulations and to see that your visitors do likewise.

  7. You have the responsibility to be considerate of other patients and to see that your visitors are considerate as well, particularly in regard to noise.

  8. You have the responsibility to be respectful of others, other people's property and that of the facility.

  9. You have the responsibility to discuss pain relief options with your physician or caregiver and help them measure your pain.

  10. You have the responsibility to help your doctors, nurses, and all other health care team members, in their efforts to return you to health by following their instructions.

  11. You will be responsible for valuables kept in your room. We suggest that you send money or jewelry home with your family or deposit them in the hospital safe until you leave. Claiborne County Medical Center cannot assume responsibility for lost property.